
From Concept to Launch: How to Create a Digital Video Campaign

By The SHSMD Team posted 11-07-2016 10:50 AM


Digital Video

With 100 million hours of video watched on Facebook alone everyday, the pressure is on to create impactful, affordable content that differentiates your hospital as a leader and go-to resource in your community. But at the same time, so many videos produced never seem to demonstrate the ROI needed for marketers to get the proper budgets to make and promote quality content. So should you and your team spend time, money and resources on a campaign that no one will see? The answer is – NO – not until you get strategic!
Quality is Crucial, Eyeballs are Everything
Creating emotionally engaging and informative videos is the foundation for attracting viewers and influencing your audience. However, understanding how your target audience interacts with your website, Facebook, YouTube and other social media outlets is essential to increasing views, watch times and building brand awareness.

By looking more in depth at video content strategy, production, and developing a targeted social media distribution plan, this three part series will discuss how to create effective video campaigns to help boost SEO, drive business and better patient outcomes.

Let’s get started!

By Brandi Savitt | November 8, 2016
SHSMD Digital Engagement Task Force Member
Managing Director & Creative Producer
The Storywell & Senza Pictures

